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Shipping and Return

Shipping Information

We strive to ensure that your orders reach you as soon as possible. After placing an order, you will instantly receive a confirmation e-mail with details of your order. It will then be our priority to swiftly dispatch your order. Usually, all items are sourced from our warehouse and dispatched within 4-5 working days. However, we will let you know via a phone call or SMS if an item is out of stock, and the soonest it can be dispatched. . You need to contact us if you need a delivery urgently.

In Pakistan, we offer a standard shipping charge on all jewelry orders of Rs 300. For handbags it varies and depends on the weight. When placing an order for the handbags please confirm the delivery charges. 

The projected delivery time for all non-Lahore based orders is 4-5 business days.

For international deliveries you will need to contact us on info@remaque.com and we can respond with shipping costs based on your destination.

Unexpected delays may occur with the shipment, and if you don’t receive your order within the allotted time, kindly e-mail on info@remaque.com. Make sure you have your order number (provided to via email when you place your order) when you call or email us.

if you are receiving your order on COD (Cash on Delivery) you cannot open  your order unless you have made the payment .

Return Policy

We dont have any refund or return policy for the items purchased from REMA

Exchange Policy

We do have an exchange policy for the items purchased. The items purchased can be exchanged within first 15 days after the items are delivered to the client. To exchange any items you purchased, simply pack merchandise in its original packaging, just as you received it. You can contact info@remaque.com regarding your exchange. Place the merchandise in a cardboard shipping box. Items damaged during return shipment due to negligent packing will not be accepted or will be subject to a restocking fee.


If you want to cancel an order, the sooner you inform us the better! We dispatch most orders within 24 hours of receiving your order conformation so be sure to let us know about cancellations at the earliest.

Cancellations depend on whether your order has been shipped or not so it is important that you notify us immediately. If you would like to cancel an order, please send an order cancellation request to info@remaque.com.

Please note that if your order has been shipped, we will not be able to cancel it.